Gemini Tutorials Blog

Where Does UIUX Come From?

Where Does UIUX Come From

User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) design are critical aspects of modern digital product development. But where does UIUX come from? To understand the roots of UIUX, we must…

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How To Use the Relative “rem” Font Size Unit for Responsive Web Design Media Queries?

Font Size Responsive Web Design

In today's mobile-dominant world, websites need to be as adaptable as a yoga master – effortlessly adjusting to any screen size. Responsive web design (RWD) is the key to achieving…

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Autocomplete Text Using Vanilla JavaScript: With Complete Source Code

Autocomplete Text Vanilla JavaScript

Introduction for Autocomplete Text Field: Autocomplete text functionality using vanilla JavaScript offers a seamless user experience by predicting and suggesting options as users type into input fields. This tutorial explores…

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Responsive Web Design in the Future: A Complete look

Responsive Web Design

Introduction to Responsive Web Design Responsive web design has become more than just a trend; it's a necessity in today's digital age. As technology continues to evolve and users access…

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Password Show And Hide Vanilla JavaScript: The Complete Code

Password Show and Hide Using Vanilla JavaScript

Introduction about Password show and hide In the realm of digital interfaces, the simple act of logging in often requires users to input sensitive information, such as passwords, to secure…

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Dark Mode Trends, Benefits, and Best Practices: The Complete Guide

Dark Mode

Introduction To The Joy Dark Mode In recent years, dark mode has emerged as a prominent design trend, revolutionizing the way we interact with digital interfaces. From mobile apps to…

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Micro interactions: Best Experience By Small Details (Tested & Loved)

Micro Interactions

Introduction about Micro Interactions In the realm of user experience (UX) design, it's often the little things that make the biggest impact. Micro interactions, those subtle animations, sounds, or visual…

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How to Find Font Pairings: A Comprehensive Guide

Fonts Pairing

Introduction About Font Pairing Font pairing play a crucial role in graphic design, impacting the visual appeal and effectiveness of any design project. The task of choosing the right font…

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Summary of Famous UX Laws for Every UX/UI Designer

20 UX Laws

Introduction about UX Laws This is a list of the basic 20 UX laws that every designer should know and apply when creating user interfaces: - Aesthetic-Usability Effect: Users perceive…

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Introduction to UX Design Systems: The Complete Guide

Introduction To UX Design Systems

What Is A UX Design System? A standard that is created to manage design using reusable components and patterns. It is a way of creating apps and websites that provide…

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Typography for Beginners

Typography for Beginners

They say 1 image is equal to 1000 words, but in real life, without written words, a lot of things have no meaning at all whether it was a book,…

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Difference Between a Web Designer and Web Developer

Web Designer and Web Developer

These 2 roles are sometimes difficult to differentiate between each other from most non-technical people, HR, or managers, in this article I will explain the difference between a web designer…

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