Gemini Tutorials Blog

Dark Mode Trends, Benefits, and Best Practices: The Complete Guide

Dark Mode

Introduction To The Joy Dark Mode In recent years, dark mode has emerged as a prominent design trend, revolutionizing the way we interact with digital interfaces. From mobile apps to…

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Micro interactions: Best Experience By Small Details (Tested & Loved)

Micro Interactions

Introduction about Micro Interactions In the realm of user experience (UX) design, it's often the little things that make the biggest impact. Micro interactions, those subtle animations, sounds, or visual…

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How to Find Font Pairings: A Comprehensive Guide

Fonts Pairing

Introduction About Font Pairing Font pairing play a crucial role in graphic design, impacting the visual appeal and effectiveness of any design project. The task of choosing the right font…

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Summary of Famous UX Laws for Every UX/UI Designer

20 UX Laws

Introduction about UX Laws This is a list of the basic 20 UX laws that every designer should know and apply when creating user interfaces: - Aesthetic-Usability Effect: Users perceive…

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Introduction to UX Design Systems: The Complete Guide

Introduction To UX Design Systems

What Is A UX Design System? A standard that is created to manage design using reusable components and patterns. It is a way of creating apps and websites that provide…

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Why Pen and Paper are Still Useful in UX/UI

Pen and Paper

While there are plenty of apps for sketching on mobiles, tablets, and PCs, and the different digital pens and sketching devices we have nowadays, this article will show you why…

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How to Become a Web Designer

How to Become a Web Designer

If you are looking for a web designer role for your next job and you are wondering what is a web designer job looks like, what is his/her skills, and…

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Top 6 UX Research Methods And Tools

UX Research Methods & Tools

My recommended way of doing UX Research with UX Design, is to use the free Microsoft Whiteboard tool on windows, and I think there should be an equivalent for MAC…

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