Gemini Tutorials Blog

Scroll to Top Using Vanilla JavaScript: With Complete Source Code

Scroll To Top Vanilla JavaScript

Introduction to scroll to top: In the fast-paced world of web development, where user experience reigns supreme, the quest to enhance navigation and usability remains an ongoing pursuit. Among the…

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Password Show And Hide Vanilla JavaScript: The Complete Code

Password Show and Hide Using Vanilla JavaScript

Introduction about Password show and hide In the realm of digital interfaces, the simple act of logging in often requires users to input sensitive information, such as passwords, to secure…

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How To Learn Coding with ChatGPT? (You Will Love It)

How To Learn Coding with ChatGPT

Introduction About Coding With ChatGPT Ready to dive into the exciting world of coding and create your own programs or scripts? Look no further! Here at ChatGPT, we've got your…

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Difference Between a Web Designer and Web Developer

Web Designer and Web Developer

These 2 roles are sometimes difficult to differentiate between each other from most non-technical people, HR, or managers, in this article I will explain the difference between a web designer…

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Show and Hide Password Using jQuery & Font Awesome

Show and Hide Password Using jQuery and Font Awesome

In this article, I will explain and provide the code for how to create a show and hide password input field, as you can see in the next figure there…

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How to Become a Web Designer

How to Become a Web Designer

If you are looking for a web designer role for your next job and you are wondering what is a web designer job looks like, what is his/her skills, and…

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PHP And JavaScript Exchange Variables

PHP And JavaScript Exchange Variables

In this tutorial, we will learn how to pass variables from and to PHP and JavaScript. using 6 methods. 2 for passing JavaScript to PHP and 4 methods for passing…

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How To Create Basic WordPress Plugin?

Basic WordPress Plugin

How To Create a Basic WordPress Plugin (GDPR Notice Plugin)? What Is A WordPress Plugin? plugin in WordPress is a PHP-based script that extends or alters the core functionality…

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How To Create a WordPress Custom Theme?

WordPress Custom Theme

In this article and video about WordPress custom theme development, I will explain what you need to create a WordPress theme, and I will cover in this article and video…

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